Posted in biographical sketch

Stepping Back

Thich Nhat Hanh made the following observation (see previous blog).

”You want to find something, but you don’t know what to search for. In everyone there’s a continuous desire and expectation; deep inside, you still expect something better to happen. That’s why you check your email many times a day!”

Imagine my consternation on Sunday morning, when I discovered that our phone system was not working AND my iPad was frozen (locked). Fortunately, in these times when communication is so important, I was able to purchase a new telephone set in Bridgetown. Monday morning I went to Berwick to talk to Gekko Tech Services they were able to advise me on the procedure for a forced boot of my iPad.

Sunday, later in the day, we went over to Hampton Beach to enjoy the sound of the waves on the shingle shore. We travelled along the shore road to Hillsburn, before coming over the mountain to Annapolis Royal.

An added benefit from the drive to Berwick, I was able to walk-in for a COVID test at the Fire Hall. And now I can check my iPad for the results. Negative !

It is remarkable how dependent we are on these communication systems, particularly in times of strife and uncertainty. We look forward to Wednesday. Bell Aliant should install Fibre Op to our house.


Kyle at Bridgetown Computers and the technical staff at Gekko Tech Services for keeping computer services in the Valley. Heather and Siqsiq enjoyed the Bay of Fundy cool air. Edward provided technical support.


Check the Looking Forward blog post for the Brain Pickings reference.

4 thoughts on “Stepping Back

  1. Bob

    I feel your tech pain. Luckily, we have 30 somethings to turn to when crises arise. Glad you got sorted out.

    No news from AC Fed of Ag as yet.


    Brian Arnott Principal Novita Interpares | Leaf + Branch >


  2. Hi Bob, now, for something completely new. Go for a SWIM at Hampton Beach. You will feel completely rejuvenated. Best to go in at high tide. Are they actually HOOKING YOU UP to the fibre op, I.e. will you have the high speed right away? Can’t wait to hear what a difference it makes. Over here we will likely be late summer or fall. Which of their three services, phone, TV, internet, will you get? Cheers, Jane

    Sent from my iPad



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