Posted in biographical sketch

Preparing for Experiential Tourism

We have been working with Celes Davar at Earth Rhythms to deliver a two-hour walking tour through the property. Entitled, ’An Adventure in Paradise’.

The orchard is in full bloom with cuckoo flowers and dandelions. Trees are still in bud. Nova Spy is the first to flower.

Preparations include organic apple juice, Ironworks Hunter brandy, and Fox Hill cheese, checking the trail conditions, and what’s in flower. This weekend the ticks, and blackflies seemed unusually virulent.

Today (Monday), we went up to Port William. We wanted to buy local Fox Hill cheese.

In Canning, we stopped at the Coffee Shop. I noted that the Merritt Gibson Memorial Library has a plant and book sale. On the road to Starr’s Point, we enjoyed the vista of vineyards in the region. This contrasts with Annapolis County.

With the approach of the long weekend, I noted the availability of Saltscapes 2022 “Your-on-the-go Guide to Canada’s East Coast”.

This week, Edward forwarded me a link to the Fogo Island Arts Upcoming Digital talks.

I will try to check out the events. Certainly, Nova Scotia (Annapolis Valley) could join the cross current residency between Scotland and Newfoundland. It is part of a Connect and Collaborate program by British Council Scotland, Creative Scotland, with support from Shorefast.

On Andrew’s property, besides managing the organic orchard, we have been supportive of coppicing poles for yurt construction, and charcoal production. All examples of alternative woodland management. We hope that the new owners, Rob and Sinead will continue a different, but alternative approach too.


Celes proposed the concept of a guided walk. Rob and Sinead allowed access to the property (previously Andrew’s). Edward forwarded the Fogo Island Arts link. Heather shares the experience.

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