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Loose Ends

After returning home from British Columbia, there remain a few loose ends. On our drive between Rossland and Kelowna, there were trucks on the highway, salting and spreading gravel. We sustained a flying rock to the windscreen. This week, I was dealing with the car rental company and my auto insurance.

I also found on my return that I was unable to update the operating system on my iPad. It required more space. After conversations with Kyle at Bridgetown Computing, it seems that I am destined to update my ‘go to’ technology.

This week, I have been thinking about long distance walks. This started with Emergence Magazine, an interview with Paul Salopek. He has been on a 24,000 mile journey retracing the migration pathways of the earliest humans who migrated out of Africa in the Stone Age.

This coincided with an interview on the CBC with Rory Stewart. This led me to Lawrencetown library and his book ‘How not to be a politician : a memoir (published in the UK as Politics on the Edge).

Finally, in this week’s Guardian Weekly, ‘English coastal route on the path to completion’.

To date, 616 km are awaiting approval while 3697 km have been signed off. Of those 2019 have work in hand and 1673 km completed’. To circumnavigate the country would be a wonderful achievement. See the Guardian’s King Charles III England Coast Path article).

Photo by Graeme Robertson, The Guardian (LINK)


While away from home over the Christmas break, the Bridgetown Reader has morphed from a handy-sized record of local events into a full-sized newspaper. Fortunately, it contains the same valuable community content.


Kyle at Bridgetown Computing helped diagnose the limitations of my trusty iPad. Heather shared the harrowing drive through the Kootenays. Edward added the graphic content and links.


Emergence Magazine, Sunday January 14, 2024, A Path Older than Memory: an interview with Paul Salopek.

Rory Stewart, 2023, Politics on the Edge: a Memoir from Within, Penguin Books

The Guardian Weekly, January 5, 2024. p9, English coastal route on the path to completion.
The Guardian Weekly, December 28, 2023, Path of Much Resistance

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