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Shovelling and Puzzling

We arrived in New Glasgow last Friday. Over the weekend, we were impacted by a severe Winter storm. (Email note to Edward: “We are stranded in New Glasgow for a few days by a heavy Winter snowfall“.)

The days have combined shovelling the cars out of the driveway and finishing a one thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle, Songbird Tree.

The first strategy was to complete each of the birds. The second was to find each of the individual flowers scattered throughout the scene. Each flower had a different colour combination and a number of petals. The final strategy was to recognize that each puzzle piece had a unique shape. This, of course, started with finding the edge pieces.

The secret of success is to combine these individual strategies and maintain a holistic approach. Seems like a recipe for problem-solving. The same would be true when shovelling out cars lost in a two-metre snow drift.

It did not take much consideration to recognize that our quick weekend run has turned into a multi-day stay. We should be able to return mid-week.

On Saturday night, we were able to indulge in a ‘Brit-night’ on Maine PBS — “As Time Goes By”, and “Doc Martin”; afterward, Kate Humble’s “Coastal Britain”. The Southwest Coastal Path boasts the Valley that inspired R.D. Blackmore’s 1869 novel “Lorna Doone”. It certainly made me want to return to that part of England.


Thanks to Edward for the graphics. Thanks to John Stewart for his hospitality.

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