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In the latest Grapevine, Issue 21.3 for March 2024, p.3 Redefining Tourism in the Annapolis Valley: the journey towards regenerative practices with FoodArtNature (FAN) is a collaboration between Wolfville Farmers Market, Blomidon Naturalist Society, and Earth Rhythms.

It’s about changing the way people think about tourism – not a passive act of consumption but a pro-active endeavour to nurture and restore rhe places we visit and love.’ (

Heather and I met Celes Davar at Earth Rhythms when he helped us organize a tour of Raymond Hunter’s orchard (across the road on Andrew’s farm) (see posts Guided Walk and Preparing for Experiential Tourism).

This morning, I picked up Heather after Chair Yoga at CORAH. In the parking lot at NSCC, Middleton, I noticed a van with AVISPL on the side. The website was They provide technology for online video conferencing. Helping the NSCC?


Congratulations to Celes Davar and others for inventing FoodArtNature (FAN). Heather conducted the tour of the Hunter orchard, including the brandy tasting.


Grapevine, March 2024, Redefining Tourism in the Annapolis Valley: the journey towards regenerative practices with FoodArtNature (FAN), Issue 21.3 page 3.

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