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Lost Posters

In my cluttered office, I found two posters that define my current thinking — from Esri, “Make Every Place a Creative Space” and a second from Kenneth Field’s book, “Cartography”.

Yesterday (Saturday), Heather and I went to ARTSPLACE in Annapolis Royal. We wanted to see the exhibition by artist Janice Leonard ‘Postcards of Paradise,’ (March 1-23).

These pieces are small 5” x 7” paintings on board. The time of day, place and date are noted on the back, as well as an excerpt from my journal of the day so as to mimic a postcard, an archaic form of communication.

The series of postcards of Paradise, Nova Scotia since 2016, reminded Heather and me of similar scenes we see on our walks around East Paradise, and along the Annapolis River.

Afterward, we stopped at the Brown Dog for lunch. In the Library, I found Thomas Cooper’s “The Roots of My Obsession: thirty great gardeners reveal why they garden”.

On the way home, we decided to take the Spurr Road from Round Hill to West Dalhousie. For old-times sake. Unfortunately, as we passed Wrights Lake and reached the junction with the old Military Road between Annapolis Royal and West Dalhousie, the road was closed (washed out ?). We back-tracked to Round Hill on Highway #201 and home.


Edward added the graphics and links. Heather shared the drive to Annapolis Royal and up onto South Mountain.


Thomas Cooper (ed.), The Roots of My Obsession: thirty great gardeners reveal why they garden, Timber Press, London.

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