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These last couple of weeks I have been Decluttering our house and my mind. We have decided to move to Middleton where we can walk to the grocery store, health services and the bank. Philosophically, we want to increase our level of walking and decrease jumping in the car to buy the necessities of life.

At the same time, in preparation for a talk on ‘Fifty Years of GIS and RS at COGS’ I have been Decluttering my mind.

A third dimension is going through the book cases, determining which books that I likely won’t re-read. They can go to Endless Shores in Bridgetown. Thank you, Jennifer Crouse.

Two books did demand my attention.

The first is David Orr’s “Earth in Mind: On Education, environment and the Human Prospect“. This fits well with my thoughts on future education at COGS.

The second, Theodore Roszak’s “The Making of an Elder Culture: Reflections on the Future of America’s Most Audacious Generation“. In this case, I would focus on being an elder in Canada.

Next week, I am scheduled to speak at the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) AGM. It will be a chance to test out a few ideas before the Canadian Society for Remote Sensing (CSRS) keynote talk in June.

As the post-war boomer generation reaches eighty it seems appropriate to declutter life. This means simplifying, identifying core values, and looking at the larger issues of our generation (e.g. climate change).

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